I have a question about the following excerpt from Chapter 3. Learning
Mac OS X Basics in the Voiceover Getting Guide.
First, here is the excerpt:
To set a default view for new Finder windows, choose Finder >
Preferences, click General, and then select a view from the pop-up menu.
Now my question- I tried following these instructions and could not
locate the "General".  Right now I am using the list view and want to
use that on all finder windows.
Here is what I did:
I pressed Command comma for the finder preferences
>From there I tried looking everywhere but can't find "General"
I did find a "New Finders Window" pop up button
I pressed VO space and down arrowed to "Other"
>From there I did a right arrow and selected "list mode"
then I backed my way out.
So, will that set the default for new finder windows?

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