Hi Everyone,
Now, this is just my opinion, so don't flame me to much, OK? :)  I just don't 
understand totally why people install windows on the mac and what they use it 
for?  It seems to me, and my admittedly limited experience with windows over 
the last few years, that it just simply isn't worth the trouble and expense for 
most people.  Consider that windows isn't accessible out of the box, so you've 
often got to get some expensive third party solution like Jaws to make it 
accessible to you, as well as purchasing windows.  I guess the question I'm 
asking here, is if you're going to shell out the cash for windows, and the 
third party access solutions, why get a mac in te first place?  Also, from a VO 
users prospective, how difficult is it to switch between the two operating 
I'm just curious, and if you're using windows, I would be interested in knowing 
why and how you switch between the OS's?
Thanks for appeasing my curiosity!  I'm sure there are totally good reasons for 
using windows on a mac, I'd just like to know why/what they are!
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs

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