Hi all,

I just figured out from Donna and another friend of mine who has an Ipod Touch 
how to change to Karen on the Iphone. I would assume it's the same for the 
Ipod. I thought I'd post the steps here in case anyone else dislikes Samantha 
as much as I do. For some reason, when you switch the region from U.S. to 
Australia, it doesn't change the time setting like in the UK regions. THank 
goodness for that. To change the voice on the Iphone/Ipod do the following:
1. Go to settings
2. Double-tap general
3. Double-tap international and then swipe down to get the list of countries to 
display. I had to do this a few times before I found Australia. Once you find 
it, just double-tap and then press home. The next time you turn on your Iphone, 
you will have Karen's pleasant voice coming out of your speaker. I hope this 
helps someone. Have a great day, all.


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