Hi Louie,

How do you want to do the search? You could do it in Terminal with the "find" command after moving to the a particular hard drive's folder (or the top level) with the "cd" command, or you could do this in Finder through the GUI. As I recall, you asked about searching a specific folder for a file with a particular extension once before. You can handle searches of a specific hard drive the same way: just start by navigating to either the top level of a hard drive or a specific folder of that hard drive in Finder. You can do that by selecting the hard drive under "Devices" in the Finder sidebar, or using the Command+Shift+G "Go to Folder" shortcut and typing in the path to the mounted hard drive or specific folder under that drive (e.g. "/Volumes/<name of external drive>"), or by navigating down to a specific attached drive from your finder window (starting from the shortcut to go to the top level for your computer, Command+Shift+C). To check whether your Finder preferences are set up to display external disks in your sidebar; bring up your preferences in Finder with Command+comma and navigate to "Sidebar". There will be a list of items under "Show these items in the Sidebar" with check boxes. If "External Disks" is checked under the list of devices, you'll be able to select and navigate to your external hard drive from the Finder sidebar. VO+Space on the check box entry if you want to check (or uncheck) this option. Even if you don't choose the convenience of displaying the drives in your Finder sidebar, you can always navigate down to a hard drive, or to a specific folder under the hard drive, by starting with Command+Shift+C.

Once you've selected the hard drive you want to search, use Command +Option+F to move to the search field and type in your search terms. Then VO+Right Arrow to refine your search results (e.g., whether matches are to "This Mac" or to your selected folder/hard drive) and add in any other search criteria (file type, extension, etc.) I'm being sketchy here, but you can go back and read the archived post answer to your earlier question here for the details:

(Re: searching)

Or, if you wanted to do the search from terminal, you could first change to the folder you want and then use the find command with regular expression wild cards. For example:

cd /Volumes/Crucial/Documents
find . -name \*.doc > temp && open -e temp

The first command changes your directory to a folder named "Documents" on an external drive (this is on my Crucial USB memory stick). The second command finds all files with a name ending in ".doc" in that directory or any subdirectories of that directory, and writes the result to a file named "temp" that I'm using as a temporary file. The two ampersands separate that command on the line with the second command that only gets executed when the first command successfully completes. The "open -e temp" displays matches to my search by opening the file named "temp" in my default editor (TextEdit). So a TextEdit window pops up listing the pathnames to matching files from my search.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Oct 3, 2010, louie wrote:

Hi all,
I have three hard drives connected to my Mac.
I wand to just search one of these hard drives not the hole Mac.
How do I do the search?
Thanks for any info.


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