Hi all.

As you might be aware, apple are holding a "Back To The Mac" event next 
Wednesday at 10 eastern in Cupertino, California.  There are rumours of 
possible upgrades to the MacBook Air and also the unveiling of MAC OS X 10.7.
So, what would you like to see included in next  version of the OS, either 
generally or VoiceOver specific?

Personally, I'd like to see  a female voice that is as good as Alex, and to 
have voices in other languages even if it meant licensing them from nuance as 
they have done in iOS.
Accessibility improvements to garage band would be welcome, as well as making 
iWeb accessible.
The last major thing I can think of is to finally fix the issue of VO randomly 
resetting itself.

I'm sure they'll come up with a load of things I haven't even thought of.  So 
what do you all think?


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