
I tested ChromeVox, the screen reader for Google Chrome web browser and Google 
Chrome OS, the operating system for laptops.
I tested ChromeVox on Google Chrome web browser for Mac and Windows and it 
could be enought for a blind user whereas Windows or Mac doesn't show a system 
dialog or web browser stops.

I explain my experience in Windows

I had to ask a friend for help to configure Google Chrome web browser because 
it isn't accessible with Jaws or NVDA 
Well, I installed ChromeVox extension and all of its dependences in Google 
chrome web browser. I ran it usin Control+Alt+Z keystroke.

ChromeVox uses System voices in Windows and Mac

ChromeVox ran well in www.google.com page but I tryed to surf other news paper 
pages or TV channel pages and ChromeVox ran slow 
At certain moment, Windows shew a dialog window with a error notification of 
Microsoft outlook. CrhomeVox didn't tell me anything. ChromeVox only speaks 
when you use Google Chrome web browser. it doesn't let you use your operating 

I'll try Google Chrome OS in a native installation soon. I'll post an article 
about it in my blog

        Jonathan Chacón Barbero
  Accessibility, usability and new technologies consultant

Phone: +34 679953948
e-Mail: jonathan.cha...@telefonica.net
Blog: http://www.programaraciegas.es
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Messenger: tyf...@hotmail.com
Skype: Tyflos_
FaceTime: jonathan.cha...@telefonica.net

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