Greetings all,

I don't know if this is applicable to all Mac app stores world wide, but in the 
US, DVD Remaster version 7 which regularly sells for $50 is on sale this 
weekend for $5.

Information in the macvisionaries mail archive indicates  that the developer 
worked with voiceOver users so as to improve accessibility even though the app  
was already very usable.  Though I own this app, I am embarrassed to confess 
that I can not speak to this from personal experience; I grabbed DR7 a few 
months ago when the Macupdate promo site featured it for 50% off, but have not 
yet played with it; should have waited :).

This brings me to a question.  When an app alters their licensing algorithm and 
migrates to the app store, will this affect upgrade pricing?  The announcement 
letter stated that they are offering this promotion because the app store can 
not ascertain whether a previous version is registered, and they wanted to 
offer an upgrade path to all existing customers.  Once moved to the app store, 
can a vender offer upgrade pricing?  If so, I would assume that those who are  
registered under the old licensing algorithm would be SOL?  My question then is 
whether those who already have the current version should consider repurchasing 
at this price so as to preserve an upgrade path?

Best regards.

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