> With all due respect, Carolyn,  since it was obvious after over 17 hours that 
> I intended to let Mark have the last word, what was your post intended to 
> accomplish other than an attempt to go on your typical power trip and 
> publicly embarrass Mark and me?

> As Mark implicitly stated in his introductory mod note there was a perception 
> among some (Mark privately told us hundreds, though I'd love to see him 
> produce all those e-mails) that the mod team was excessively negative and 
> intrusive.  As I don't believe this perception existed when Cara and me had 
> the primary mod responsibilities, let your ex mod Uncle Geoff give you a 
> little advice which is worth every penny you paid for it <smile>.  There are 
> no right answers, and everyone is bound to make mistakes, but it really helps 
> to not consider the job a power trip and exercise a modicum of judgement.  I 
> tried to never lose site of the fact that the list belonged to the 
> subscribers, and that my mod notes also took up band width and hence needed 
> to be posted sparingly.  I saw the job as a balancing act to be as 
> unobtrusive as possible while protecting the time investment of subscribers.  
> To that end it was some times necessary to take administrative action, but I 
> got no joy from doing that and tried to only use it as a last resort.

Therefore, in the case of off topic threads, I'd usually look at the time 
stamps.  If a certain inteveral had past, I would conclude that the topic died 
a natural death and accordingly wouldn't consume everyone's time beating a dead 
horse.  This can't be done perfectly, and sometimes new posts would straggle in 
long after the topic appeared to have died.  Some times I would jump in quickly 
if I saw a potential for strong opinions and flaming, such as someone posting 
that all blind people want to get everything for free.

> As for the specifics of this case, I would probably have admonished Mark and 
> me privately.  This way I would avoid further wasting everyone's band width 
> and publicly embarrassing anyone.  As an ex mod, I knew that my choice to 
> post my comment to Mark was inappropriate, so I'm not sure what a private 
> note would have accomplished other than to state the obvious.  This is why I 
> chose not to continue the discussion.

My concern remains that when a moderator posts what amounts to a private 
message, this sets a bad example.  I've seen Mark do this several times 
previously which is why I was driven to express my concern publicly even though 
I knew better :) -- I was reacting to the below and similar posts where the 
entire list was advised (for example) of certain administrative actions such as 
changing a subscribers e-mail address when a private note to the affected party 
and rest of the mod team would have sufficed.  I viewed helping people off list 
the same way, though I'd keep it on list if the topic might be of general 

But to address your immediate concern, the topic has long been closed as far as 
I was concerned, but thanks for the belated suggestion -- now we all continue 
to realize that you are the all powerful mod <smile>.

Best regards.
> On Jul 15, 2011, at 9:04 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hello Mark and Geoff:
>> With all due respect to both of you, Please take this discussion off list.  
>> It really is kind of off topic, and not conducive to the resourcefulness 
>> we're striving for.
>> Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
>> Friendly,
>> Carolyn
>> On Jul 14, 2011, at 2:56 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>>> Geoff,  
>>> I truly don't understand your apparent hostility towards me nor your desire
>>> to publicly insult someone to whom you don't bother to extend the most basic
>>> of courtesies.  
>>> Are you incapable of asking me a question without attacking my character?  
>>> Geoff, it has been said by those wiser than I, that people tend to view
>>> others as they view themselves; something we should all keep in mind before
>>> we attack those with whom we have never met.
>>> Regardless of the mean-spirited tone of your post, I am certain that you are
>>> a nice person who wishes to help others and this is why I have decided to
>>> pay you the respect you clearly do not think I deserve by both ignoring your
>>> antagonistic remarks and answering your question said answer being the
>>> following:
>>> The reason I responded to Ed, on-list, is so that other list members would
>>> know that a reply was posted.  Moreover, it has been my experience that few,
>>> if any, tend to reply to network issues for the reasons stated in the post
>>> to which I am referring.  Some members, who receive few or, in some cases,
>>> no replies to a question may take it personally and I, like you, don't want
>>> anyone to feel as though they are being ignored, pre-judged, or attacked.
>>> That is All.
>>> [The Gospel According To Mark, Chapter 221.]  (Big Smile)  
>>> Mark
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Geoff Waaler
>>> Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 10:38 AM
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> Subject: Re: Network problems
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> Other than illustrating your proclivity toward boundless narsisism, what
>>> purpose was served by sending this to the list?
>>> Best regards.
>>> Geoff
>>> On Jul 13, 2011, at 4:12 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>>>> Hello Ed.
>>>> Troubleshooting network connectivity issues can be one of the most
>>> challenging a support person can face.
>>>> However, rather than engaging in lengthy email correspondence, please send
>>> me your contact telephone number, off-list, and I will endeavor to assist
>>> you.
>>>> Please include the city/state/time zone in which you live and the best
>>> time to call.

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