Fair enough, Ray, and if I came across that I thought my macbook couldn't do 
this, I'm sorry as that was definitely not my intent.  I'm actually not 
honestly sure.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ray Foret Jr 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 3:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [Bulk] Facing the Reality about my Mac

  Uh, just a second here.  You can solve your problem another way.  Sounds to 
me like what you really need is what's called a control surface.  I've heard 
that the MBox is supposed to be pretty cheep nowadays.  This audio interface 
will allow you to do exactly what you want to do the way you want to do it; 
and, besides, you may find it easier using  Pro-Tools with a good control 
surface anyhow.  Don't jump off the cliff before you do a little research and 
no for sure whether something will or will not work.  Check out what you really 
need to run  Pro-Tools with respect both to hardware and software.  I don't own 
or use Pro-Tools myself; but, I'd really just take a step back and do some 
objective research before coming to the conclusion you're Mac cannot be 
manipulated to do what you need.

  The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

  Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

  Skype name:


  On Jul 25, 2011, at 2:44 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

    Here is my question about ProTools.

    Really, is it worth my investment?  Here's the thing...  I have a mid 2010 
white 13 inch Macbook.  It's not a Pro, it's just stocked original white. My 
thing is, as you all probably know, these systems only have one external audio 
port.  That one port serves as a line in, or! as a line out, depending on your 
settings in system preferences.  This means Somehow I need to have a pair of 
headphones plugged in so I can monitor audio, especially when doing vocals.  
OK, no problem, boom, headphones're plugged in.  Well, now I wanna plug in my 
mixer so I can get audio out of the mixer into the macbook. Well, crap!  I 
can't!  I already have something plugged into my only port. My headphones.  OK, 
well, run the audio from the macbook out and into the board then monitor it 
with your headphones on the board, not on the macbook... well, that's all great 
in all, but how am I gonna send signal out the audio port on the macbook and 
send signal into! the port.  You can't have it both ways.  The port is 
either/or, not both.  I honestly wonder, being I was going to go into audio 
production and am going back to school to go into that field, I'm very 
convinced maybe I made a mistake asking my church for the macbook.  Maybe what 
I needed was either an IMac, or better yet, an MBP, not just an MB.  This way 
I'd have two audio jacks.  I know it's really hard without you all looking at 
my mixer to know if maybe we could set this up differently, plus this is 
getting a bit OT from Voiceover, so I don't wanna flood the list with this 
thread, nor highjack it, so I'm asking all further responses please come off 
list to me.  My e-mail address is as follows:


    alternatively, if that doesn't work, then try me at:


    If you think it would be easier to chat me on Skype, that's fine, my 
contact is:


    I do use Facetime.

    You need to add:


    I also do use google Talk with my above gmail address, though I'm hardly on 

    I'm also available if anyone would like to discuss my future possibilities 
via phone, although I'd rather not give my number out publicly on list, but if 
you write me off list, I'll give it to ya.

    I just need to know where to proceed.  I feel so bad that my priest, Fr. 
Steve, donated this thing to me, yet, I feel I'm just using the macbook kind of 
as a toy.  It's time that I take things to the next level.  I've played with 
voiceover a lot since April, I've obviously become very! proficient with the 
Mac, for what it's worth.  I almost feel ready to make it my primary system.  I 
just now need to know the next step.

    Obviously I've done a fair amount with Garage Band, but I've really not 
played much with Pro Tools.  At least not enough to form an opinion.

    I'm also caught between that, Logic, or QBase.

    My best of me is saying ProTools, but I just wanna be sure, as if I invest 
several hundred dollars in this, I want to be certained that it really is worth 
my time to save up for it.

    I open myself to talk to anyone on this list or off that you may could 
refer me to, but, I almost wonder if it may be better to talk to someone who 
not only's used Protools, but has used it extensively, not in the old days of 
Outspoken, but in the now days of Voiceover.  This way I truely can get my 
questions answered.  I went with Ben bloomgren who's also on this list, to my 
local music store, and Ben will tell you the same thing here as he was standing 
right there with me...  he and I went in the recording department, and talked 
to a guy who's name neither Ben nor I will reveal, for his protection, but, I 
had him turn on voiceover on the Mac they had in the room, and I tried looking 
at ProTools 9.  This guy, I know he was doing this, as I am not a total.  I 
have some usable vision, though not much... Every time that I would try moving 
around in ProTools to see how it behaved, he refused to let me and reached up 
to the control surface and turned down the master volume.  I normally have 
balls, but this time, I said nothing.  I was too hurt that he would treat Ben 
and I that way to do much of anything. I was totally in shock.  This is why I'd 
rather speak to someone who actually knows what they're half way doing, that I 
truely could trust who would not try to purposefully lead me away from my 

    My thing too is I cannot afford a Mac, not even the difference to take this 
one back and get a Pro.

    the only reason I have a Macbook is because Fr. Steve was so generous out 
of the goodness of his heart to fundraise through the church to get me one for 
school.  It's about time I start really putting it to use and reaching for my 
long-term goal.

    Can any of you all help me with making the best choice?  I also have a 10 
channel Yamaha Mixer that ran me about 100 bucks, and a studioware Fantom 
powered condincer Samsung microphone with both 20DB gain as well as a low 
frequency pass filter, plus then my Yamaha keyboard.  So, I just dont' know...  
do I have enough hardware to even think about getting protools? Then I just 
have a 40 dollar el cheapo pare of Plantronics headphones. Yeah, it's a full 
headset with microphone, but I don't use the mike as it's not good enough for 
studio quality.

    What do you all suggest?

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