Thanks, Esther.  I'll check it out.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Esther []
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2011 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: PDF to text converterS, anyone?

Hi Rafael,

This post that I sent just after you posted your question does not seem to have 
made it to the list, so I'll try reposting.

A few months ago William Windels asked on list for a command line tool to do 
batch pdf to text conversions, and Tim Kilburn directed him to the pdftotext 
Shell tool found at:

Then in May, a list member asked again for an application that would work like 
pdf2txt on windows, and I posted that you could just download the pdftotext 
Shell tool from the above URL, and put an AppleScript wrapper around the 
command to run it from the GUI instead of from the Terminal command line.  
(Actually, I mentioned putting it into an Automator workflow, but that was 
because I was thinking about a way to get it into the Finder contextual menu; 
it's not necessary and just an AppleScript wrapper will do).

If you download the pdftotext Shell tool, it will get installed on your 
computer into:


Just open your AppleScript Editor (use Command+Shift+U in Finder to go to your 
Utilities folder, press "a p" to go to the AppleScript Editor and use 
Command+Down Arrow or Command+O to launch it) and paste in the following code 
(staring below the line labeled "Cut Here", and ending with the line "end run"):
---Cut Here---
Use pdftotext to create a text version of the selected PDF file
       Created 17 May 2011
on run
        tell application "Finder"
                set chosenFile to the selection as alias
        end tell
        do shell script "/usr/local/bin/pdftotext " & quoted form of POSIX path 
of chosenFile
end run

You can use Command+K to compile it.  And to test it you can highlight one or 
more PDF files in FInder, then Command+Tab back to the AppleScript Editor and 
press Command+R to run the AppleScript.  For each <filename>.pdf file you 
highlighted, a corresponding <filename>.txt file should be created in the same 
folder.  You can save the AppleScript file with a name of your choosing (e.g., 
pdf2txt) as either a script or an application.  If you save it as an 
AppleScript and put in the "Library/Scripts" folder of your home directory, it 
will show up as one of the menu options in the AppleScripts menu on your status 
menu bar (navigated to with VO-M twice or Control+F8).  And of course, you 
could also assign this a keyboard shortcut to the AppleScript.

HTH.  You can also read some more details about accessing the 
<> web site for the pdftotext shell script 
in the earlier archived list post:
• "Re: something like pdf2txt on the mac?"

A second way to handle this is to use the Services menu option of "New TextEdit 
Window Containing Selection".   Check the box for this option under System 
Preferences on the "Keyboard Shortcuts" tab of the "Keyboard "menu after 
selecting "Services" in the shortcuts category table. You can also assign it a 
custom shortcut if you like.  Then, when you have a PDF open in Preview, do a 
Command+A to select all, and choose the "New TextEdit Window Containing 
Selection" option that will now appear in the "Services" submenu of the 
application on the menu bar, or apply  your custom shortcut.  A TextEdit window 
will open containing a text version of your selection.  This method can also be 
used on text selected from any application.  It's a great way to read 
inaccessible web pages by selecting their content and using the service menu 
option, because it strips off bad HTML coding that prevents VoiceOver from 
reading text content.  When applied to selections in iWork's "Pages" documents, 
it will let VoiceOver read off embedded tables or lists.  You can search the 
Mail Archive site for this list for some of the previous discussion using this 
option from earlier this year.  This method is different from simply copying 
and pasting into a TextEdit window because of the Services processing, and it 
is also much lower overhead on the system.  However, for what you want, I think 
my first outlined solution is better, and can also be applied to multiple file 



On Jul 31, 2011, at 02:16, Rose Morales wrote:

> I had the same question. Pdf to rtf service was the best I found. This app 
> lets you open PDF documents in text edit. You install it by copying the 
> .service file into a folder on your hard drive. The folder is specified in 
> the readme. Your document is still a PDF, so you'll have to copy and paste to 
> a new document and then save the new document in the format which you prefer. 
> Here's a download link for this app.
> Another option is to open preview, hit command-a, command-c, and paste your 
> text into text edit. This will work for most PDF's.
> Hth,
> Rose
> On Jul 31, 2011, at 6:08 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Abbyy Finereader Express can do that for you.
>> HTH
>> Jürgen
>> Am 31.07.2011 um 08:08 schrieb Karen Lewellen:
>>> Hi Rafael,
>>> While I cannot speak to an application, I can speak of a source that may 
>>> work for you.
>>> this organization,
>>> will convert pdf files into any number of formats via e-mail.  The site is 
>>> not as complete as to their services, they do more than they list.
>>> for example if you email
>>> with
>>> text
>>> in the subject line,
>>> Attaching the file to the email,
>>> you will get back a converted text document.
>>> I tend to be a little selective about my text, so personally I have them 
>>> convert to rtf, run a utility here on shellworld that changes the rtf into 
>>> html, then run the html file through lynx for lovely text.
>>> may be more steps than you desire though, especially if you do not have 
>>> access to the lynx text browser.
>>> If you have questions, sing away,
>>> Karen
>>> On Sun, 31 Jul 2011, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I am in need of a program that converts pdf files to text files.  Can 
>>>> anyone here recommend such an app?
>>>> Cordially,
>>>> Rafael Bejarano

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