Heyh everyone.

I just wanted to throw in a word to say, if you, like me have an IPad of any generation, be it first, second, third or fourth, or for that mind, even a mini, beware that Barns and Noble just informed me that they indeed are having server network issues. I don't quite know the back end ins and outs of the problem, but apparently, there is something in the i o s 6.0.1 code of the firmware O S which is not allowing IPads of any sort to correctly connect to the system. This means, if you try signing in, on the IPad, it's probably at this point in time not going to work. Most likely you're probably going to get an error that states either that you need to be sure you have internet activity, or, it will say something about the connection either being lost, or timing out. Those are the main generic three error messages that I'm consistently seeing, and I can't give you a situation of when specifically x y or zed will appear. They seem to randomly go between the three.

The bottom line is, I have spoken to technical support, which can be reached by calling


which is:


for those of you who need it translated. Then choose option 2 from the main menu, and then once again, choose option 2 again a second time.

The first lady I spoke with hardly spoke english, and honestly didn't seem helpful in the least. In fact, she kept insisting the issue was on my end, and that I didn't know how to correctly reset my home LAN network. When I in total disgust told her I was a certified network administrator with quite an extensive amount of network training, she immediately disconnected her line, and transferred me to level 2 management support. The gentlemen there was extremely! nice, and was very very professional, and really did seem to completely understand the situation. He told me that he and all others in teer2 were totally aware of the problem, and have been getting calls left and right. He said that engineering has been made aware of the bug, and they are dilligently looking into it. He said last that he heard, the engineers found the problem, and now're just in the process of getting it fixed. He said to keep an eye on the ITunes app store, as there should be an update coming down the line in the next week or two, if not sooner, that'll address this very problem, and should hopefully resolve things. He advised in the ming time, just keep using it on my IPhone or IPod if I have one, which of corse I don't, but anyway... I do have an IPhone, so, yeah... and btw, he's correct. It works fabulously! on the IPhone. Oh my heavens! does it work wonderfully! I gave him a lot of very good compliments regarding that note. He did note my account, and did send my report as well up to engineering. He also gave me a case reference number, and told me if I've not heard back from them via e-mail within about 2 weeks max, give them a call back again with that number, and follow up, and by then, they should have a more accurate E T A.

I told him thank you, that this is exactly! the type tech support I enjoy receiving, as it's very assuring to know that the issue indeed is not only being taken seriously, but is known, and is being investigated, and more so than anything, is getting fixed slowly but surely. I really think B&N really! deserves a pat on the back. I mean, ok, guys, lookat: they didn't push for accessibility for the longest time. OK, I'll give you that, but the bottom line is, we went from an I O S app that literally saw nothing, and I, mean, nothing! no buttons, no text area, nothing! to all a sudden, now this! The only thing I can't seem to do is add my own annotation notes in the margins, and that, I also told the teer 2 guy about, and again, he said they were aware of that as well not working with Voiceover. He assured me, that the highest priority is getting the IPad issue fixed, but once that is done, the next thing he said down the line as faras accessibility is gonna be to try finding a way to make that feature work for us. I really! think we need to call tech support, and really just give them a lot of thanks and gratitude. I told him, compared to what we did have, this is absolutely fantastic, and to keep up the good work! We ended with him saying that this is why people like him come into work each day, is because they love hearing when they make a customer as myself happy. Talk about good customer relations service, in my view!

Thank you kindly,

Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
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