I have discovered that it seems not possible  to change to another voiceover 
activity when you are in a program that has his own activity.

e.g. When I am in the messages app on my macbook air, my own activity is 
applied so that no speech is active.

In a program like finder, were no personal activity is applied to, I can get a 
list of all available activities I have made with a trackpad command.
If I do that trackpad command  in the messages app, nothing happens.
Is this one of the numerous bugs in  voiceover in 10.8.2 or is there a way to 
change between voiceover activities while one of the activities is active?

Sorry for the frustrations but I am looking forward to 10.9 with for me, no new 
features but many bug fixes :(

kind regards,
William Windels

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