Personally, I prefer using the MS Office suite with JAWS. I don't think 
anything comes close to the accessibility of jaws and MS word/Excel. I'm also 
new to the mac and have a bootcamp installation on my HD with JAWS and office. 
I Plan, like alot of others, to get VMWare  fusion running so I can have easy 
access to JAWS and Word/excel, while still having the MAC at hand
The Apple iWork suite just isn't in the same league as Microsoft productivity 
packages, at least not for the blind - and I don't think anyone would seriously 
dispute that.
----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rebecca Sabo 
  Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2013 9:52 AM
  Subject: Re: Fusion boot camp or parallel

  Hi all,
  My name is Becky Sabo.  I have pages loaded on my mack pro computer.  It 
helps me a little but still frustrated with it.  How do you write college 
papers on it?  So I was wondering if I should load book camp or  vm solution?  
I have had my mack pro computer for two in a half months.
  Any help or suggestions would be helpful.
  Becky Sabo 

  On Jun 14, 2013, at 6:13 PM, Alex Hall <> wrote:

     vm solution

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