Hi Sieghard,

I didn't realize that the 99 cent pricing for these Kindle titles was 
limited to the U.S., but I got the information about this sale from one of 
the Amazon Kindle forums on discounted books. These links all come up as 99 
cents each for me, except for the last link, which is strangely mangled and 
doesn't work properly for me when accessed from the Google Groups web site 
(as opposed to email).  Some Kindle pricing is country specific, so when 
titles are discounted in Australia or France, or Canada, they may not be 
discounted in the U.S.  Unfortunately, I can't check what these prices 
might be for countries outside the U.S., unlike the case for iTunes and the 
App Store.

This post took many hours (more than a third or half a day) to show up on 
the viphone list, compared to the macvisionaries list, so I thought it 
never made it, and posted another thread (with slightly more linked 
entries.)  I've not been getting the list posts via email since June 14th, 
up until just a few hours ago, and have been reading this list on the Mail 
Archive site. Also, weirdly, I couldn't post a reply on the web site when 
your post first appeared, although this now seems to work for me.  For list 
members who access the U.S. Amazon Kindle Store, these 99 cent sale prices 
do seem to still apply.  Apologies for not having the information on 
international prices for these Kindle books.



On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 12:55:32 PM UTC-4, Esther wrote:
> Just thought I'd post that Harper Collins has a number of Kindle books on 
> sale for 99 cents. I know that some of you like cookbooks, which don't come 
> up on BookShare.  Here are a few listings:
> Pizza, Focaccia, Flat and Filled Breads For Your Bread Machine: Perfect 
> Every Time<http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005T5O9UI/ref=cm_cd_asin_lnk>by 
> Lora Brody
> Chef Paul Prudhomme's Seasoned 
> America<http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007BC2WRY/ref=cm_cd_asin_lnk>by 
> Paul Prudhomme
> Chef Paul Prudhomme's Louisiana Tastes: Exciting Flavors from the State 
> that Cooks<http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007BC2WFQ/ref=cm_cd_asin_lnk>by 
> Paul Prudhomme
> Fiery Foods That I 
> Love<http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007BC2ZWG/ref=cm_cd_asin_lnk>by Paul 
> Prudhomme
> Celebrate with Chocolate: Totally Over-the-Top 
> Recipes<http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005AJSVDE/ref=cm_cd_asin_lnkhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005AJSVDE/ref=cm_cd_asin_lnk>
> The Shun Lee 
> Cookbook<http://www.amazon.com/The-Shun-Lee-Cookbook-ebook/dp/B003V1WTOA/> by 
> Michael Tong
> Here's a link to some more sale items (but you'll have to wade through):
> http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?node=154606011&p_8=50-&p_36=99-99&field-publisher=HarperCollins
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther

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