
I managed to get Webvisum installed in to Firefox again.  This is the latest 
stable build of Firefox we're talking about here.  No matter what I try, 
though, I just cannot get new key bindings to stick in the prefs window for Web 
Visum.  I tried typing 
"cmd 6" just like that but without the quotes for solving a page captcha.  I 
tried "cmd 2" for access to the Webvisum menu.  But, somehow, nothing seems to 
stick.  I tried cmd+6 but that didn't work either.  What might I be doing wrong?

Also, is the new beta for Firefox any better than the latest stable version?  I 
went to:


and it was a desaster to navigate via Firefox.

Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

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