can you attach the script file and email it to
I get an syntax error when saving the script.
something like identifier cant follow this identifier....
use AppleMail : application id "com.apple.mail"
activate AppleMail
repeat with vw in message viewers
close vw's window
end repeat

set mywin to make new message viewer without preview pane is visible

You can leave me a voice mail or fax at
"God is good all the time, & All the time God is good"

On 2/17/2014 8:55 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
The attached AppleScript closes all Message viewers and then opens one
up without the preview pane. This should prevent the preview pane from

I don't know if anybody else has gotten this to work since there were
discussions on the Apple forums about errors  when trying to turn off
the preview pane.

Script starts on the next line.
*use* AppleMail : /application/ /id/ "com.apple.mail"

*repeat* *with* vw *in* /message viewers/
*end* *repeat*

*set* mywin*to* *make*new/message viewer/*without* preview pane is visible
Best wishes,


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