Dear Zoe,

Welcome to the group. I, too, am a Greek speaker and I, too, chose to switch to 
Mac because of the many language Apple offers. I've learnt Greek, and in fact, 
I'm still continuing my classes with a tutor in Cyprus.

Now to your questions. Isaac has already told you how to switch languages on 
the fly. I hope that this is working well for you now.

The second point is more complex, and I will try to explain. My knowledge of 
this comes from the very many exchanges I've had over the years with the 
members of the group, so I owe it all to them.

The reason why you call up spotlight search is that the shortcut key 
combination command+spacebar is assigned to spotlight. You need to disassociate 
this combination with spotlight and than assign it or activate it for the input 
source. It's a while since I have done it, so forgive me if I make an error. 
Someone else on the list may correct me on this.

1. Open system preferences by going to the dock with control+f3. You should 
here voiceover say "dock". Once in the dock, you can type three first letters 
"sys" to land immediately on system preferences. Press enter. System 
preferences will open. You will be probably in the toolbar of system 
preferences where you have back forward buttons and search field. Stop 
interacting with the toolbar by pressing vo+shift+uparrow and vo + right arrow 
when you will here preferences pane. 

2. Interact with preference pain and vo+right arrow to find the button 
"keyboard" or else start typing the word keyboard and you should land on this 
button. Press vo+spacebar on this button to open keyboard preferences.

3. In keyboard preferences you will have several tabs. As you vo+right arrow 
through the window, you will hear the word tab and highlighted. The highlighted 
tab is th the one which is currently active. 

4. Find the tab which says shortcuts. Press vo+spacebar on it to highlighted. 
It will now read "highlighted". Continue vo+right arrow to find two tables 
where you will need to make choices and perform actions. Remember to interact 
with a table you need to press vo+shift+down arrow and to stop interacting you 
press vo+shift+uparrow. Once you interact with the table you can vo+down or up 
arrow through the rows and vo+left or right arrow to examine each row.

5. Interact with the first table and find the category "spotlight". Once you 
land on it, stop interacting with the table. The item "spotlight" will now be 
highlighted. Move vo+right to the next table of shortcuts. 

6. Interact with the second table and uncheck the boxes next to the spotlight 

7. Stop interacting with the table and move back to the previous table of 
"shortcut categories". Interact with it and find the category "input source'. 
Stop interacting and move to the shortcuts table

8. Interact with shortcuts table and vo+down arrow until you find previous and 
next input source items. To the left of each item there's a checkbox. Check 
them and to the right of each item there should be a description of the 
shortcut key. 

This is the point where my memory fails me. I can't now remember whether I had 
assigned command+spacebar to the next input source myself or whether it was 
already assigned and I just needed to check the box next to the action item. I 
hope the latter is the case. Try this, and if it doesn't work, you will need to 
assign the shortcut combination. I hope it won't be necessary. 

I did however have to assign a new shortcut to Spotlight. This is maybe for 

Hope this helps, and if you have any more questions, please ask.

Also, there's a very useful macvisionaries archive page whose url is:

With best wishes


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