Karoliina T. Salminen wrote:

The screenshots are from the actual device which contains proprietary software in addition to the maemo-platform. The problem is currently with the web browser in Nokia 770 in regards of the open source maemo-platform is that the Opera browser is proprietary - it can not be included to the free platform. Currently the maemo-platform is kind of waiting for someone to hack KHTML or Minimo or something else into it - that way there could be the browser most quickly and easily. So if you can and want to do it, feel free and have fun :).

Some girls and guys in Finland have started porting Apple's WebCore to interface with Gtk+:


I think I've read the name of the company that initiated that port before...


Mattias Schlenker  / Tel 0851 9441369 oder 0160 7352988
Freyunger Str. 42 / 94034 Passau / http://mattlog.schlenker-webdesign.de/

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