Hi all,

On 10/26/05, Greg Herlein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi, please have a look at http://tapioca-voip.sourceforge.net. It is a
> > work in progress.
> > And also a short description of how it works at:
> > http://marciom.blogspot.com/2005/10/voip-with-tapioca.html
> I like Tapioca's distributed approach - nice use of DBus IMHO.
> :)
Thanks for the feedback :)

> I'm really curious though, why you would use GStreamer for VoIP -
> you say on your website that:
> "Many of the existent open source VoIP has a media subsystem of
> its own, which means that transport protocols and codec
> implementation are inside the application's code. That' s why I
> believe that a great feature in Tapioca is that it uses gstreamer
> to provide audio codecs, device handling and RTP streaming. This
> gives a lot of extensibility to the multimedia layer."
As Marcio already said, we could develop a media subsystem but this
way we were going to again duplicate efforts, what i think IMHO is not
a good thing. So we decided to use gstreamer that seems to be going to
be used as default multimedia framework on linux desktops. And another
reason is that we want to concentrate on VoIP stuff as the multimedia
part we can easily handle using gstreamer.

> I'm not sure that makes sense to me since on the n770 the DSPs
> are sinks themselves - at least if this page:
> http://maemo.org/pipermail/maemo-developers/2005-September/001217.html
You are correct afaik, but we will find a way to handle this.

> is correct.  No other open source telephony apps use GStreamer
> (that I know of) and it looks like you'd have to hack it to make
> it work on an n770 and a desktop from the same code base...
> assuming you had software plugins for the codecs for GStreamer
> (do those exist?).
Yes, they do exist.

Tnx again for the feedback
If you want to discuss more about Tapioca you can join us at
#tapioca-voip on freenode or use Tapioca ml (take a look at
http://tapioca-voip.sf.net for more details)

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