Kimmo Hämäläinen wrote:
It could be also that closing of the MMC cover is not detected; there's
a switch in the MMC cover that could be damaged. If that is the
case, you can mount the MMC manually by typing "sudo mount /media/mmc1"
in the X terminal (which you'd need to install). Unmounting happens by
typing "sudo umount /media/mmc1". You don't need to be the root to issue
those commands.

Hello, thanks for this explanation. So the switch only triggers mount/umount commands. That's great. This hopefully means I can mount normal sized MMC card. Too bad the slot is too thin to put SD card here which probably means SD cards are not supported. Too bad I cannot watch photos from camera with SD cards :-( Or should I push the SD card harder into the slot?

I tried MMC card from my Palm but there is no partition table. This probably explains why the device node for mmc disappeared from /dev/ directory and mount command does not work.

BTW I've got the device from developer program last week. Thank you very much Maemo team. Now I'm trying to install scratchbox and all the stuff and hopefully I'll have my own Hello World real soon :)

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