Thanks Kuisma !

I was a little quick asking around & after thinking a little bit I found out what you knew (about available modes).

I don't think a games bigger than 10 MB would be a good ideao for the Nokia 770 ... except if there was a lot of other very good games using Clanlib ...

I look around & see.

Thanks again


Kuisma Salonen wrote:
Oh yes, I forgot to tell the most useful piece of information:

To get rid of Xvidemode dependency I had to hack the autoconf file to not depend on it and modify the part of sources which required it. It was basically the resoluation switching (if I remember correctly it was used only for asking for abailable resoluations). Locating of the code is rather simple, since error messages will point you there. What I did was to put there hardcoded resoluation (800*480) instead of asking it from Xvm. That's all I can remember without actual sources :/

-- Kuisma

Kuisma Salonen wrote:

I've formatted a harddrive some time ago (and don't have the files right now), but here's a little story:

I admit that pingus is a cool game (url is in case somebody does not know) so I have checked how it would port for 770. I was able to compile the clanlib with some sourcecode modifications, but the shared object took more than 10 megs (ok, on MMC this is not that bad + I am not really sure whether it was stripped or not, most likely not). Next was building pingus itself. The problem was that pingus haven't been maintained properly for a loong loong time and it was written for older version of clanlib (which is source uncompatible with the one I managed to build).

Then began bigger hell: porting pingus itself. Since it was written for older incompatible version of clanlib I had to start porting it for the version i had (was 0.7.something). Even more awful, clanlib has some new architecture which requires more work. That was something I couldn't finish and it was halfway (or less) done. If (big _IF_) I manage to find the files from backups, I'll upload them somewhere in the case somebody would like to continue where I was left. And yes, I know this soulds little bit like a fish story ;)

Anyway, if you want to start from scratch, the path will be long. Plus I am not really sure of gained performance (the screen size is perfect for the game, but not really perfect for the performance). I have this little bad feeling that pingus tries to use page flipping (which works when HW supports such a feature, 770 won't support) so redraws are fullscreen, thus limiting the fps under 20 (+ with all the logic processing and internal draws it has to do it will be less).

But like I said in the beginning, porting clanlib is indeed possible.

-- Kuisma

ext Fred Lefévère-Laaoide wrote:

Hi, I'm looking at porting pingu (this nice lemmings clone).
It needs Clanlib & Clanllib needs X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h ...
Any idea if I'm boarding a boat that will never touch a coast ???


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