ext Frantisek Dufka wrote:
I would be interested in fixing this. I'm using bluetooth keyboard with kbdd daemon so the workaround that keyboard applet does in impractical to do directly in kbdd and I don't like making another executable just because of this hack. I'd like to fix it in proper way. Are dsme sources available?

Unfortunately not :(

It doesn't look like is should be hard to fix. Or are there some issues that make it non-trivial?

DSME runs from the initfs partition on the device which makes replacing it with your custom version not entirely trivial. With bad luck you'll brick your device.

According to this
sources are not available if dsme and dsmetool is the same thing. Is it?

One's a system daemon, the other a command line utility for it. They're of the same package though and share the license.

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