ext David Woodhouse wrote:

>On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 19:01 -0500, Roland Krikava wrote:
>>Can anyone suggest a way to open a URL using the native browser on the
>>770? I noticed that someone posted earlier about attempting to use
>>dbus to accomplish this..
>I just hacked up a shell script to make this work for viewing images and
>URLs from pine (http://david.woodhou.se/maemo-pine.html) ...
>if ! dbus-send --system --type=method_call  --dest="com.nokia.osso_browser" 
>--print-reply /com/nokia/osso_browser/request com.nokia.osso_browser.load_url 
>string:"$1" ; then
>    DISPLAY=:0 run-standalone.sh /usr/bin/browser &>/dev/null &
>    sleep 5
>    dbus-send --system --type=method_call  --dest="com.nokia.osso_browser" 
> --print-reply /com/nokia/osso_browser/request com.nokia.osso_browser.load_url 
> string:"$1"
># give it a while to access local files before they're deleted
>if echo "$1" | grep ^/ ; then
>        sleep 10
>(Btw, please could we have the Subject line mangling on this mailing
>list removed or at _least_ reduced to a sane number of characters.
>Removing it completely would be best -- there are much better ways to
>filter mail, and people who really want it there can always _add_ it for
>themselves; adding it locally is much easier than trying to remove it
>again once it's been added).

There is a file (part of maemo):


And there is a d-bus interface described in this file.

You need one of these functions:

/* URL loading service */

 * Open new browser window. \n
 * \b url: The URL to load in new browser window\n
 * \b Example: Open new window with home page
 * \code
 * ret = osso_rpc_run_with_defaults(app_ctx, "osso_browser",
 *                         OSSO_BROWSER_OPEN_NEW_WINDOW_REQ, NULL, 
 *                         DBUS_TYPE_STRING, "new_window",
 * \endcode
 * \b Example: Open new window with url 
 * \code
 * ret = osso_rpc_run_with_defaults(app_ctx, "osso_browser",
 *                         OSSO_BROWSER_OPEN_NEW_WINDOW_REQ, NULL, 
 *                         DBUS_TYPE_STRING, url, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID);
 * \endcode
#define OSSO_BROWSER_OPEN_NEW_WINDOW_REQ    "open_new_window"

 * Load URL in current browser window.\n
 * \b url: The URL to load\n
 * \b Example: Load Home page in currently open browser window 
 * \code
 * ret = osso_rpc_run_with_defaults(app_ctx, "osso_browser",
 *                         OSSO_BROWSER_LOAD_URL_REQ, NULL, 
 *                         DBUS_TYPE_STRING, "new_window",
 * \endcode
 * \b Example: Load URL in the currently open browser window. 
 * \code
 * ret = osso_rpc_run_with_defaults(app_ctx, "osso_browser",
 *                         OSSO_BROWSER_LOAD_URL_REQ, NULL, 
 *                         DBUS_TYPE_STRING, url, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID);
 * \endcode
#define OSSO_BROWSER_LOAD_URL_REQ    "load_url"

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