
the howto is good but the part 'Compiling Modules' is confusing. It looks like you are suggesting to put everything in kernel because modules cannot be compiled.

Modules _can_ be compiled and _do_ work and IMHO using modules is better way for adding functionality then introducing bloat into kernel and possibly bricking device ("flashing an oversized kernel image renders the device useless"). Also you can tell power users to install modules for your SW if it is needed but you can hardly expect them to flash your kernel with your specific setup.

Maybe currently there are no easy tools for putting them into initrd but they can be in root filesystem if modifying initrd is a problem.


check out the kernel compilation how-to that was added to maemowiki yesterday 
[1]. Regarding the problem you're having, it strongly sounds like your initfs 
is not in sync with your kernel image. Please note that the instructions assume 
you are using the 1.1 final release (published yesterdat) and have 3.2005.51-13 
installed on your device, as these two are compatible.

- Pete -

[1] http://www.maemo.org/maemowiki/HowTo_KernelCompilation
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