
> I check out "gpe-mini-browser" from gpe cvs
":pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs"
> and download gtk-webcore from "gtk-webcore.sourceforge.net".
> But when i build "gpe-mini-browser", it seems "webi.h" can't find.  I find
no "webi.h" in "gtk-webcore".

For this you need to get the code from cvs. You also need to use a cvsdate
because otherwise you will not be able to compile it decently. (With GPE we
use 30 april I believe.) You will also need a number of small patches to
gtk-webcore. At least you will need the one that fixes the pixbuf issue on ARM
so you can see images.

The patches (and some source archives where you need to strip out part of the
path to get to the source) can be found at 

> Could you tell me how to build "gpe-mini-browser" succeed.

I made some changes recently (released a new version for GPE) and have made a
rather important fix in gtk-webcore so I might be making a new package for
maemo soon too.

If you need other help you can always ask me. Take into account that
gtk-webcore is a bit flaky atm, so 99% of the crashes you might experience are
related to that.



| Philippe De Swert
| GPE developer: http://gpe.handhelds.org
| Emdebian developer: http://www.emdebian.org
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