
> What do you mean "30mb wouldn't work"?  I put a 32meg swapFILE on the
> 64meg mmc I received and it worked fine (/proc/meminfo and /proc/swaps
> showed swap usage, and I could get numerous things running with out
> problems.  Now I'm trying to partition a 512meg MMC into two partitions,
> and neither 128meg nor 64meg of swap as a dedicated partition
> (/dev/mmcblk0p2) works.  As soon as I issue swap on, the "low on memory,
> close some applications" window pops up.

I was always trying a swap partition. I had the same issues you're
reporting with constant out-of-memory alerts coming up when my partition
was 30mb but they went away and things started performing when it was
down at 25mb.

I wanted to have a swap partition rather than a swapfile inside the fat
partition because I don't want things to blow up when I plug to in to a
host via usb.

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