On 1/21/06, Danny Milosavljevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What about just warning the user when he tries to power off?
> [ Poweroff but events are pending
> [
> [ The next event comes up on xx.xx.xxxx at xx:xx.
> [ Are you sure you want to power off and possibly miss the alarm?
> [
> [   [Oops]  [Power Off]

But what if the event's in a week or so? How do you remember to power it
up again? Set an alarm somewhere else, perhaps? ;-)

> However,
> 1) It wouldn't occur to me that a switched-off cell phone would deliver
> the alarm. [somewhat Off-Topic: with cell service providers in our
> country _tracking where the users are and telling it to random callers_,
> I'd throw it away the second I would see it reactivating from poweroff]

Every *single* phone I've owned with an alarm function will turn itself on to
sound the alarm. Whether Nokia, Sony Ericsson or other...

> 2) If I have alarms set but switch the cell phone off, I do it
> deliberately because I want my peace and quiet (also not to be able to
> be called), and if I had a meeting with the president of the country and
> now miss the alarm, _so be it_ (of course it could warn me when I try to
> switch it off, but not after that). Of course that's maybe a personality
> problem (or just coping with complexity), but that's what I do :)

If you want your phone to be quiet, you set it to silent mode - which is
remembered when it turns itself back on to sound the alarm.

> There is also the side case to consider that when baterry runs low, I
> turn it off to conserve power for later use when I need it more
> urgently.

Indeed, and my own use case for alarms is that if I've set an alarm to
go off that is the absolute most important thing to happen. If my battery's
running low and I need to turn the device off to conserve more power,
it's still important it'll turn itself on to alert me.

> If it wouldn't really turn off when I tell it to, how much
> power would that draw? Would it endanger the later use? Or would it be
> neglectable?

Except off will mean off - the chip which re-awakes the device is already
running and keeping track of the time even when the device is



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