
Am Donnerstag, den 12.01.2006, 14:43 +0200 schrieb Kalle Vahlman:
> On 1/12/06, mp s <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >  osso_return_t ret;
> > > >  hildon_app_set_appview ( data->app, data->browser_view );
> > > >  hildon_app_notify_view_changed( data->app, data->browser_view );
> > > >  ret =osso_rpc_run_with_defaults(data->osso,
> > > > "osso_browser","plug_new_window", NULL,
> > > >                 DBUS_TYPE_UINT32,
> > > > hildon_app_find_view_id(data->app,data->browser_view),
> > > >           DBUS_TYPE_STRING,
> > >"file://localhost/media/mmc1/test_page.html",
> Usually there is a third slash in file ulrs, "file:///foo/bar",

That is to say, some apps like to leave the hostname part off (or put
"localhost" instead of the real FQDN, both of which makes the safety
measure - which the hostname part in file urls *is* to begin with -

(the reason for the hostname part is so that clipboard and drag+drop
file urls that get drag+dropped *across hosts* are caught - they are
invalid across hosts, but "file:///foo/bar" would look perfectly valid
and could even clobber a totally different file on the other host! -
whereas if it were passed as "file://notme/foo/bar" it were clear as pie
that it's from the wrong - i.e. another - host)

> although seems like most stuff tolerate less on my desktop...

(Sadly, gnome stuff has notorically bad support for the
"file://<hostname>/<path>/<to>/<file>" syntax, so ... maybe others too)


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