(Cross post to maemo-developers@maemo.org from [EMAIL PROTECTED])


unfortunately this release of gnumeric lacks the ability to put 
an icon into the taskbar of the Nokia770, thus if you 'accidentally' 
minimize the running gnumeric app, you cannont maximize it and 
thus have to kill it from the xterm.

This is a known restriction - Eduardo describes it on his webpage.

Who can assist Eduardo to add the 'icon in taskbar' feature?

  regards, Armin.

On Wednesday 01 February 2006 22:14, Eduardo de Barros Lima wrote:
>    Hi, with this new gnumeric stable release, I have released a
> working package for Nokia 770. Aditional information can be found
> at my blog:
>    http://etrunko.blogspot.com/2006/01/gnumeric-162-released.html
>    Hope you enjoy it.
>    Best Regards, Eduardo (etrunko).
> --
> Eduardo de Barros Lima
> INdT - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia
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