Hi Manfred,

it seems like you accidently 8-) solved something discussed in 


Which release are you running? 3.2005.51-13 ?
Maybe you somehow set a RTC-alarm in the device? Via /proc?
Have you been testing alarms in any PIM application? GPE? DejaPIM?

Sorry, I don't have a clue.

  regards, Armin.

On Monday 13 February 2006 20:14, M. Schulte-Oversohl wrote:
> Could anybody tell me why my N 770 performs an automatic startup at
> exactly 20:08 o'clock.
> The device was switched off several hours ago and was definitely
> turned off. Startup was on each of the last three days at the same
> time. I'd appreciate any explanation for that behavior.
> Manfred

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