
I've been trying to create application installer friendly .deb packages from Pyhon applications and I'm having problems with getting the symlinks work so that the application would appear in the extras menu. What I've done is that I have a directory that contains the python files placed in correct directories. For example python libraries are in usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages and executables are in usr/bin. In the same directory I also have DEBIAN directory that contains "control" and " package-name.links" files. I've created the .deb package using "dpkg-deb -b" command for that directory. Package is created just fine and it also installs on the device and the application works fine, but the symlinks defined in " package-name.links" don't get created. Am I doing something wrong? I don't have much experience about Debian packages.



Teemu Harju
maemo-developers mailing list

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