ext Armin M. Warda wrote:

>  Hi,
>if you are crazy enough to try my changes, that nobody besides 
>me has tested yet, and that could ruin your device, you can 
>download and install the modified Load-Plugin applet her:
Please modify your version to something else because the package differs
from original 0.2.5-1 ..

>You have been warned!
You too :-)

>  Armin.
// Tapani

>On Thursday 23 February 2006 23:00, Armin M. Warda wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>attached you find three patches for Jakub's Load-Plugin applet.
>>I applied these changes to the source code downloaded from:
>>My code-changes are split into three incremental steps to make it
>>easier to understand (and improve ;-) them:
>>- patch1 adds a 'swapfile' configuration string to the settings
>>menu. - patch2 makes all configuration settings persistent via
>>gconf. - patch3 adds the swapon/off menu-entry and logic.
>>The Load-Plugin runs as 'user', swapon and swapoff need 'root',
>>thus you have to add the following line to /etc/sudoers manually:
>>user ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/swapon *, /sbin/swapoff *
>>Hopefully my changes are picked up, cleaned up, tested, and make it
>>into the next main release.
>>(Btw., I dropped auto-discovery of active swaps, because I think
>>there is no need to auto-activate a swap on reboot via /etc/rc2.d/
>>anymore, when swapon/off is just one click away...)
>>  Armin.
>>P.S.: With 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot' - how can I make sure the
>>produced shared object is 'stripped' before packaging occurs?
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