Either DISPLAY is not set (try 'echo $DISPLAY'), but that is not very
likely. More likely you do not have sufficient priviliges to open the
diaplay -- run Xephyr as root to see if that makes any difference.


sudarsana narashiman wrote:
> Hi ,
>   I have  installed  scratch box and maemo 1.1 version.
> but when tried to run the following script outside the scratch box
> #!/bin/sh -e
> prefix=/scratchbox/users/${LOGNAME}/targets/SDK_PC/usr
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${prefix}/lib; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> exec ${prefix}/bin/Xephyr :2 -host-cursor -screen 800x480x16 -dpi 96 -ac
> I am getting the error
> Xephyr cannot open host display.Is the display set?
> could you please tell me the reason.
> regards
> sudarsan
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