2006/4/5, Michiel Toneman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi All,
> Bit of a "me too", but I'm also having the problem with 'Timeout on
> getting data from GPS' when using my NMEA BT GPS receiver (Oasis
> Media). It appears to be a fairly low-level issue as far as I can
> tell, since restarting/reconnecting with gpsd or hidd don't seem to
> work. My workaround was to go in and out of "offline mode" (which I
> presume reset the BT radio). Thanks for the pointer with putting on
> the cover, that works too :-)

Searching on an error from the hcitool, when being in this
unrecoverable state, on Google, "Connection timed out", give lots of
cases that looks quite similar. I got the impression that buggy
drivers were the cause in these case and lowering the data flow seem
to help.
Btw. I have this same GPS receiver.

> I hope one of the Nokia devs can help fix this, since I was really looking
> forward to using gpsdrive on my 770 :-/

For the short term, it would be helpfull if someone could point to a
way to disable this device, like w/ offline mode or plastic cover,

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