
ext Daniel Monteiro kirjoitti:
Hi folks
its been a long since I last posted this mailing list
(but Ive been reading it on since then). Im developing
a 3D game engine having mobile devices in mind (and
the 770 is the perfect testbed).
My engine has a system layer called "System
Abstraction Layer" ,responsible for abstracting both
the hadrware and the software ("everything that can be
made in hardware can be made in software", or
something like that - Andrew Tanenbaum).
That is true that you actually can do everything in software but it costs more in software. It costs in performance. Especially on 770 the 3D engine might be little bit problematic but at least you should always try to take everything out of the performance.

But now , I cant decide wich way to go: use on the 770
the SAL (System Abstraction Layer) that Im using on
all the other systems (wich is made with SDL) or code
a new SAL for taking advantage of "Maemo" (by maemo, I
mean Hildon, OSSO , etc).

SDL would have a faster hardware access. On the other
hand , Maemo wold be better integrated with the
system, would not need the "GameLauncher", etc.

You actually don't need the gamelauncher for anything unless you especially want to have it (for UI reasons). The fact is that if you want to do game programming on the devices, you probably want to remember some generic rule said somewhere: "when you're doing a game, you don't need to obey all the rules", meaning that it might be a good idea to try to hildonize the UI. But again, the choise is yours, do as ever you like to do! I would still prefer SDL as it let's you use the resources somewhat more efficiently (trust me, the 770 is not a powerful machine and you need all the resources you can get).

just to clarify:Coding a new SAL will not be such a
hard work . I will other SALĀ“s for other plataforms

My project consists of gaming plataform (free - GPL
,but it is only the reference implementation. a closed
source implementation is possible to anyone) that
abstract the current machine and create a "virtual
videogame". it ditacts that the host plataform must
have some features (nothing to hard) and reads the
game from XML files. The idea is to have almost all
game genres easily described in XML+LUA.

 The 3D rendering implementation is custum made for
the project, so debugging and testing is always

everyone is invited:

all the posts still in portuguese, but english posts
will be replied in english... (translating docs to
english in progress)

sorry if I was somewhat chaotic in my mail. hope
everybody understand it.


Daniel "NeoStrider" Monteiro

PS: My other Maemo project, KidSketch is not dead. Im
waiting for the goods (rendering libs, etc) from this
GamePlataform project to use it on the KidSketch.

-- Kuisma
maemo-developers mailing list

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