On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 16:44 +0530, ext Madhusudan E wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.
> I would just like to clarify my understanding of this page:
> Unmergable - Not been adopted to Maemo - GTK
> Change maemo-gtk/glib - Being adopted to Maemo - GTK
> Move to Hildon libs ---- ????
> Done --- ???
> In progress - the bug fix is in progress 
> Outstanding ---- ???

Basically the status means as follows:
      * Unmergeable: These changes are necessary, due to current designs
        and uses, in maemo-gtk but will not be accepted upstream.
      * Change maemo-gtk/glib: Similar functionality is available in
        upstream but using slightly different API/implementation.
        maemo-gtk should use the upstream version instead.
      * Move to hildon-libs: The changes can (and should) be implemented
        in a separate library rather than by patching gtk+
      * Done: Patch committed to upstream.
      * In progress: Patch has been submitted to GNOME bugzilla but it
        is pending upstream review.
      * Outstanding: Changes have been identified in this file but no
        patch has been extracted and submitted to upstream yet.

Hope this helps.

Tommi Komulainen                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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