thanks for your helpful replies, i managed to compile my program some time ago 
and it seems to start alright also in Nokia 770.
The program also needs some kernel modules to be compiled and loaded and so 
i've run into new problems. I managed to compile
those .ko modules with scratchbox & Maemo 1.1, but when I try to load them with 
"insmod" in 770 (as a root), it says:
"insmod: cannot insert 'mymodule.ko': Invalid module format (-1): Exec format 
error". How should I load those modules? Is there
some other things I should do, when I'm loading kernel modules in 770?

I also might have done something wrong when I compiled those modules. I didn't 
know how to get 770's kernel headers/sources
, so I just followed Maemo's HowTo KernelCompilation steps (thou I dont fully 
understand what it does or what is needed):
$ fakeroot apt-get install kernel-source- kernel-package
$ apt-get source su-18-kernel $ cd su-18-kernel- $ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us -sa -d

Originally those modules' Makefile contains -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname 
-r)/build parameter (in Fedora 2.6.9-1667). After I
changed the path with the path I got after that 'dpkg-buildpackage...'-command, 
the kernel modules seemed to compile successfully except for
the following error:"Warning: Symbol version dump 
/scratchbox/...../kernel-source- is missing; modules
will have no dependencies and modversions." So what is this Module.symvers and 
do I need it? Have I done something wrong and what I
should try next?

- Juha K
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