Dan Brinks wrote:
I've been trying to see if I could modify the X server running on the N770. So firstly I extracted the rootfs from the OS2006 .bin file. I then downloaded the xserver-kdrive .deb file from the repository and extracted it to my rootfs, packaged it all up and flashed my device with it. This worked fine. I then downloaded the source of xserver-kdrive, also from the repository. After expending some effort, I was able to get that to compile. I had to download a couple extensions from other places -- xproto, resourceext, damageext, xdmcp, compositeext; I also had to add one struct definition in spext.h (from the xsp folder in the tar'd xserver-kdrive source). However, it did eventually compile. I then replaced the Xomap executable file in the rootfs with the new one which I had just compiled and flashed the device.
The canonical way to compile kdrive (or any other component for 770) inside scratchbox:

apt-get source xserver-kdrive
fakeroot apt-get build-dep xserver-kdrive [1]
cd xserver-kdrive-version
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

After this you have a nice .deb you can install with "dpkg -i" on the device. Any other way
you might lack some of dependencies and/or have incorrect configure flags.

> Now, when my device boots, there is no longer the blue progress bar along the bottom. It merely shows the "Nokia" screen for a second or two and then shows the handshaking screen. As such, I can no longer flash my device with anything at all. Any thoughts?

Are you following instructions here? http://www.maemo.org/maemowiki/HOWTO_FlashLatestNokiaImageWithLinux

[1] Now that I test it "libxproto-composite libxproto-damage libxproto-colorkey libxproto-resource libxres-dev libxkbfile-dev libxdmcp-dev" packages are missing from maemo.org repository. However these are all opensource and available from other
sources (with different names, I think).
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