   I've been running the GST client on the 770 with various VMs (JamVM,
CACAO, SableVM, Mika) for a while and have not had problems with TCP/IP.
Never tried UDP though.

Make sure you setup a WLAN connection or other *before* running the

Best Regards,

Philippe Laporte

Gatespace Telematics
Första Långgatan 18
41328 Göteborg
Phone: +46 702 04 35 11
Fax:   +46 31 24 16 50

On Thu, 2006-06-29 at 09:56 +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> have anyone tried to run any java applications with JamVM that use networking?
> I tried to play with http://cybergarage.org/ CyberLink for Java UPnP 
> Development package, but
> I couldn't get anything to work in 770. I made a console-based UPnP device 
> that worked fine
> in linux and windows, but in 770 it just didnt work. It seemed to work just 
> fine, except that it doesn't
> send or receive anything; it doesn't show any exceptions or errors thou.
>     I also made a simple program that just sends a multicast packet in IPv6 
> network and it works in
> Linux ( something like: 
> http://www.cdt.luth.se/~peppar/java/multicast_example/ ).  In 770 it gives
> following error:
> java.net.SocketException
>   at java.net.DatagramSocket.getImpl (DatagramSocket.java:214)
>   at java.net.DatagramSocket.setReuseAddress (DatagramSocket.java:802)
>   at java.net.MulticastSocket.<init> (MulticastSocket.java:110)
>   at java.net.MulticastSocket.<init> (MulticastSocket.java79)
>   at NetTest.main (NetTest.java:48)
> Caused by: java.io.IOException: Socket operation on non-socket
>   at gnu.java.net.PlainDatagramSocketImpl.create (Native Method)
>   at java.net.DatagramSocket.getImpl (DatagramSocket.java:206)
>   ..4 more
> I think it crashes in command: MulticastSocket s = new MulticastSocket();
>   I use 1.5.0_07 jdk in Linux and Windows and 770 is in IPv6 network and 770 
> is IPV6 enabled.
> If anyone have tried networking application in JamVM, please share your 
> experiences :).
> - Juha K
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