
I am happy to announce that finally I got an end user friendly version
of Minimo/Mozilla browser [1] running on Maemo 2.x platform/Nokia 770.
Minimo browser is a slimmed down version mozilla (same branch  as
firefox 1.x - 1_8_Branch), targeting small devices. At this stage, tt
features (among others):

* It is possible to set up it to get laucned in fullscreen mode -
almost a kiosk mode :)
* Tabbed browsing.

I mostly keep track of my activities at my blog
[]. Instruction to install it via
repository is also there [2].

The port is not complete yet (so as the minimo development): bug and
coming features will make it better, but it surfers on the web

NOTE: As firefox' , minimo's UI is not built using GTK-based as GUI,
but XUL instead, which is not "Hildonizable" currently.
NOTE2: menus are on right/left bottom buttons.
NOTE3: virtual keyboard thumb-mode and handwrite recognition supports
are not implemented yet, so it requires normal vkb for inputting.

Any feedback is appreciated.


--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

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