
On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 23:08:47 +0200, Christian Pernegger wrote:
> Hi list!
> The only thing keeping me from buying a 770 right now is the reported
> lack of Japanese support. Apparently some people had success with
> displaying Chinese by copying over relevant fonts, but allegedly
> doesn't work for Japanese.

Seems to work fine here (kochi mincho Truetype font in "Notes" program).

> Is there a particular reason why displaying Japanese doesn't work? Or
> is it just some applications?
> Can I get it to work by generating an UTF-8 locale and copying a font
> or are the apps themselves not UTF-8 compatible? 

GTK2 is UTF-8 all-around. They even had to explicitly back off in order
to support non-UTF8 file names _at all_ ;)

> What needs to be
> done?

- create directory "/home/user/.fonts/".
- copy font file there
- restart (<-- not sure, but it's fast anyway)

Note that the font has 8MB so that probably will drive RAM and Flash usage
up a bit.

> While I could live without input for the time being - are there plans to
> port scim, and maybe a handwriting recognition tool like kanjipad or
> scim-tomoe? 

I have no idea...


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