
On Fri, 18 Aug 2006 15:33:12 +0200, koos vriezen wrote:
> The second issue is more a think-about thingy and that's the
> scrollbar. I think that scrollbars don't port so well for touch
> screens (and no mouse). Scroll keys would help but are often for other
> usages.

I like the panning with the stylus in the body area of the web browser,

I like the "-" and "+" buttons for page up/down and the click-to-go gauge
of FBReader in rotated (portrait) mode very much for reading books. 

> I think the old X style MMB, that when cliched actually scrolled to
> that position, is already a big improvement. 

Like the bar in FBReader? It has a gauge ("progress" bar) like:
[#######        ] showing the current position
and if you click for example here:
[#######        ]
              ^ here
it will scroll to that position and 
[############## ]

That's nice for wide area scrolls (like, finding a chapter). For small
area scrolls, the "+" and "-" buttons are very fitting (I take it that
they originally meant "zoom", but in portrait mode they are just too
comfortable for scrolling :)).


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