On Wed, Oct 04, 2006 at 03:44:45PM +0300, ext Guillem Jover wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-10-04 at 14:36:24 +0300, ext Kimmo H?m?l?inen wrote:
> > On Wed, 2006-10-04 at 14:04, ext Murray Cumming wrote:
> > > On Wed, 2006-10-04 at 13:45 +0300, Kimmo H?m?l?inen wrote:
> > > > Yes, it does not tell the reasons for the changes (they are in
> > > > debian/changelog), but I'm too lazy to put those since you seem to be
> > > > the only one who is interested about Libosso changes ;)
> I consider those two serve different purposes, ChangeLog (as in upstream)
> explains in detail up to the function and variable level what has been
> changed. And debian/changelog describes the packaging changes, and a
> summary of upstream changes if it's native package.

Also, consider that your release might one day land in a tar.gz file,
without any .svn record or server access. Or the module might be
migrated to another server/revision control system. 

ChangeLog is an established standard, I don't see a reason to break that
standard. Even if it's not usefull for you, consider that it might be
usefull for other X people. 

On a side note, I think we should work as close as possible (and that
includes work methodology) to open-source upstream standards. Our
osso-specific workflow bits (ie. debian packaging, the way releases are
being rolled out) should be considered as a second layer that might
change any day. 


> > > At the moment, nobody (me included) knows what on earth libosso is. The
> > > README is empty, for instance.
> >
> > It's there just because automake complains otherwise.
> That's because automake defaults to gnu strictness, if you are not
> following the GCS[0] you probably want:
> AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign])
> > 98% of Debian packages the README file is totally useless anyway.
> On this one I disagree, if you have specific examples, please tell me
> or file bug reports.
> > > ChangeLogs are one way to introduce people to what a module does and how
> > > it works, and how it is evolving. Not doing ChangeLogs because nobody
> > > cares about them would be almost a circular argument.
> [ This snipped reordered ]
> > The code and API should be pretty self-explaining (yes, they're not,
> > that's why I'm working on new API).
> > Well, just try to use the diff. The code is so simple that manually
> > writing some ChangeLog just seems stupid to me.
> It's not about the code being simple, it's about having an offline
> history of what has been changed and how the code evolved. That's
> pretty useful when tracking down bugs for example.
> [0] <http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/standards.html>
> regards,
> guillem
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