I think  both problems stem from the fact that the repository is
primarily set up for scratchbox environment not the device and those are
things that differ. In scratchbox busybox is not used. Instead same job
is done by those conflicting utilities.

Yes. After having lots of problems trying to replace the scratchbox
toolchain I decided to try to create two "raw" chroots.

One i386 that I could use to test new patches.
One armel were I could build packages for use on the 770.

So far the results look great! I have been able to create the i386
chroot and compile a simple program in it.

IMHO, it would be better to make the repository directly usable for
creating a root file system tree that can be used in a 770 or a "raw"

This shouldn't be a problem for creating rootrstraps with bash.
Installing osso-core-gnu should replace busybox with the gnu tools.


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