After giving up on using scratchbox, I was able to build a new
binutils and glibc with the patch to add support for the new hash

I then upgraded the 770 libc.

To test it, I recompiled the largest lib that I have the source for
(gtk+  gtk+2.0_2.6.10-2.osso19). The results are interesting. The size
went from 2989688 to 2987348 (< 1%), but the time to dlopen it and
dlsym gtk_init improved from 0.25 to 0.21 (16%).

Note that I have compiled only gtk and glibc. Not all the dependencies!

The glibc patch is attached. I will try to backport the binutils patch
and post it later.

Best Regards,

Attachment: glibc-maemo.patch.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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