I've searched everywhere, but I haven't seen anyone else having this
problem.  When I try to flash a rootfs I've built, it transfers the
file but doesn't flash it.

In the below, note that the 'official' rootfs's messages include
"Finishing flashing... done" and the console reports "Erasing JFFS2
blocks 493-1023...", but when I flash my rootfs I don't get these.
I'm pretty sure the jffs2 image is OK, as I can mount it on my desktop
via mtdram.

The only thing I can think of is if flashing a too-large image might
have overwritten something at the end of flash, but why would that
stop my images and not the official one?  Plus, this was working (or
at least seemed to have worked) last week, unless I was spectacularly

If I flash the official kernel/initrd with my rootfs, it flashes the
kernel and initrd properly, but not my rootfs.


Flashing the official rootfs:

$ ./flasher-2.0 -r parts/rootfs.jffs2 -f
flasher v0.8.1 (May 30 2006)

USB device found found at bus 003, device address 015
Found device SU-18, hardware revision 1802
NOLO version 0.9.14
Version of 'sw-release': <no version>
Sending and flashing rootfs image (58496 kB)...
100% (58496 of 58496 kB, avg. 503 kB/s)
Finishing flashing... done

Flashing interface selected
SETUP: RD VND DEVICE    req 01 value 0000 index 0000 length 0004
SETUP: RD VND DEVICE    req 01 value 0000 index 0000 length 0004
SETUP: RD VND DEVICE    req 04 value 0000 index 0000 length 0200
SETUP: RD VND DEVICE    req 03 value 0000 index 0000 length 0004
SETUP: WR VND DEVICE    req 12 value 0000 index 0000 length 0012
SETUP: RD VND DEVICE    req 14 value 0000 index 0000 length 0200
SETUP: WR VND DEVICE    req 55 value 0000 index 0000 length 001b
Receiving rootfs (length 59899904)
Flash block size 131072
Filler received (128 bytes)
DMA RX EOT (no rx packet!)
SETUP: WR VND DEVICE    req 52 value 0000 index 0000 length 0000
Erasing JFFS2 blocks 493-1023... 
SETUP: WR VND DEVICE    req 43 value 0000 index 0000 length 0000
SETUP: WR STD INTERFACE SET_INTERFACE      value 0000 index 0002 length 0000

Flashing my rootfs:

$ ./flasher-2.0 -r 20061212-174533-rootfs.jffs2 -f
flasher v0.8.1 (May 30 2006)

USB device found found at bus 003, device address 015
Found device SU-18, hardware revision 1802
NOLO version 0.9.14
Version of 'sw-release': <no version>
Sending rootfs image (4468 kB)...
100% (4468 of 4468 kB, avg. 948 kB/s)

Flashing interface selected
SETUP: RD VND DEVICE    req 01 value 0000 index 0000 length 0004
SETUP: RD VND DEVICE    req 01 value 0000 index 0000 length 0004
SETUP: RD VND DEVICE    req 04 value 0000 index 0000 length 0200
SETUP: RD VND DEVICE    req 03 value 0000 index 0000 length 0004
SETUP: WR VND DEVICE    req 12 value 0000 index 0000 length 0012
SETUP: RD VND DEVICE    req 14 value 0000 index 0000 length 0200
SETUP: WR VND DEVICE    req 44 value 0000 index 0000 length 001b
Receiving rootfs (length 4575872)
Filler received (128 bytes)
Image successfully received
SETUP: WR VND DEVICE    req 43 value 0000 index 0000 length 0000
SETUP: WR STD INTERFACE SET_INTERFACE      value 0000 index 0002 length 0000
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