On Thu, 2006-12-07 at 13:14 +0200, Marius Vollmer wrote:
> Hmm, careful here.  We have to think about the relationships between
> distributions as well, such as what happens when you change your
> /etc/apt/sources.list and then do apt-get dist-upgrade.  Also, the
> point of unstable and testing is that package migrate _as_binaries_
> from one to the other based on certain criteria.  (Sardine and herring
> are past that point already, I think.  Herring is actually already the
> new stable and in an ideal world would be named bora.)

Isn't Bora supposed to be SDK release name and Herring is a code name
for HAF development branch (more stable than Sardine). If so, wouldn't
it be incorrect to call current Herring as Bora? SDK is more than HAF.

Sorry about my pedantic nature in some cases :)

Miko Nieminen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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