Am Mittwoch, 3. Januar 2007 15:47 schrieb Zoran Kolic:
> > When I try to become root in an xterminal (sudo su -, or sudo gainroot)
> > it often fails and I end up with this error message.
> > "unable to lookup Nokia770-39 via gethostbyname()"
> I suspect you have changed hosts file.
> For the very first line it should be
> new_box_name localhost
> This new name should match hostname file.
>                         Zoran
Hey Zoran

You were absolutely right! Thank you very much!
When I upgraded from itos 2006 28-8 to 39-14 (the fist update for the 2006 
edition) I copied over many files from my backup.

My /etc/hosts started with
... Nokia770-26 localhost 
instead of Nokia770-39 localhost                 <== 39!  ;-)

Next time I reinstall files from my backup after a firmware upgrade I will 
double check! Promissed! :-)

Regards Krischan

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