Am 9 Jan 2007 um 9:41 hat [EMAIL PROTECTED] geschrieben:
> The 770 with OS2006 is still supported by Nokia.

So, 2006.39-14 will not be the last OS release for 770?

> OS2007 will not be released for the 770.
> Unfortunately we are not at the point where we can ship the same
> OS release for multiple hardwares, though we are moving in that direction.

Also, there could be a OS2007.x release for both, N770 and N800?

I think it is really important not to split up the OS for the different 
machines. I've seen this on the Zaurus line, and I really think this is 
annoying! E.g. if there will be no more support for the 770, a lot of 
people will bring up their own OS versions, and it will be just a matter 
of time that they will be incompatible to each other.

 Klaus Rotter * klaus <at> rotters <dot> de *

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