On Fri Jan 12 03:29:58 2007, Jeffrey Barish wrote:
Dave Cridland wrote:

> On Thu Jan 11 16:28:30 2007, Jeffrey Barish wrote:
>> Is anyone aware of a port of wxPython to the 770 or 800?
> > Before you think seriously about wxPython, I'd recommend
> reconsidering - pygtk is just as good, and better in some areas.
> Given the reduction in the number of layers, I'd assume that working
> with pyGTK would be more efficient anyway.
> > I'm speaking as someone who's worked heavily with wxPython and
> started using pyGTK specifically for the 770 - I'm free from bias in
> that respect.
> > Dave.

Nor am I entranced by wxPython, but my application needs to run both on a
portable platform and Windows.

So does mine - Polymer has been running on Windows for quite a while, as well as on Linux. However, for Telomer, my primary consideration was getting the interface "right" for a handheld, keyboardless device, and overall, I think I've probably done more "new" code than "porting".

Had wxPython existed, I might well have used that, but I suspect that the resultant UI would be (even) worse than it is now.

I'm absolutely not saying "Do Not Use wxPython!", but I am saying to give the pyGTK option serious consideration - depending on how distinct the handheld and Windows UI will end up.

Dave Cridland - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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